The perils of dodgy wi-fi.
I took full advantage of last Novembers inaugural NaWriSoMo - National Write Something Month. I wrote reams! Well, a few bits'n'pieces. So, why has this blog been tumble-weedy? Well, dodgy wi-fi. Never got to upload them. But, you can trust me, the stuff what I wrote, was magic. Gold.
So, what does 2016 hold? Lots of good things are in the offing. I can feel it in my bones. I just need to get college finished. Then it's back to full time writing. I'm really missing my writing time. Monday mornings, until about lunchtime is the only space in my week for writing. It's too little. I want to - in fact need to - immerse myself in my fictional worlds. If I don't, well, the writing isn't what it could be. And that just isn't good enough.
Right, this is a tad rambly. I can't imagine this post is going to inspire anyone in paticular. But it has served two purposes - a) I'm back online and b) It's put off that difficult moment where I have to actually put words on paper of my new novel. It's a bloody mountain. But, I guess as the saying goes, the longest journey starts with the first step. I guess I better set out then...
So, until I'm back, here are some pieces of art I have been doing in college, which has been keeping me from my writing!
I took full advantage of last Novembers inaugural NaWriSoMo - National Write Something Month. I wrote reams! Well, a few bits'n'pieces. So, why has this blog been tumble-weedy? Well, dodgy wi-fi. Never got to upload them. But, you can trust me, the stuff what I wrote, was magic. Gold.
So, what does 2016 hold? Lots of good things are in the offing. I can feel it in my bones. I just need to get college finished. Then it's back to full time writing. I'm really missing my writing time. Monday mornings, until about lunchtime is the only space in my week for writing. It's too little. I want to - in fact need to - immerse myself in my fictional worlds. If I don't, well, the writing isn't what it could be. And that just isn't good enough.
Right, this is a tad rambly. I can't imagine this post is going to inspire anyone in paticular. But it has served two purposes - a) I'm back online and b) It's put off that difficult moment where I have to actually put words on paper of my new novel. It's a bloody mountain. But, I guess as the saying goes, the longest journey starts with the first step. I guess I better set out then...
So, until I'm back, here are some pieces of art I have been doing in college, which has been keeping me from my writing!
Character Development
Characatures (Grayson Perry as Claire)
Okay, till next time!
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